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University of Arkansas
School of Architecture
Boston Architectural College
School of Landscape Architecture
Georgia Institute of Technology
College of Architecture
University of Kansas
School of Architecture and Urban Design
University of Kentucky
School of Architecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
University of Minnesota
School of Architecture
University of Montana
Environmental Studies Program
University of Southern
School of Policy, Planning, and Development
University of Texas at Arlington
School of Architecture
University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture
Tulane University
School of Architecture
Washington University
College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Wentworth Institute of
Department of Architecture
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Message Boards
Community Partner: The Porch Cultural Organization and Neighborhood Story Project
CITYbuild School: University of Kansas School of Architecture and Urban Design
Spring 2006
The Porch Community Garden
Community Partner: The Porch Cultural Organization
CITYbuild School: Kansas University School of Architecture and Urban Design
Spring 2006