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University of Arkansas
School of Architecture
Boston Architectural College
Department of Landscape Architecture
Georgia Institute of Technology
College of Architecture
University of Kansas
School of Architecture and Urban Design
University of Kentucky
School of Architecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
University of Minnesota
School of Architecture
University of Montana
Environmental Studies Program
University of Southern
School of Policy, Planning, and Development
University of Texas at Arlington
School of Architecture
University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture
Tulane University
School of Architecture
Washington University
College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Wentworth Institute of
Department of Architecture
Kentucky New Orleans Architecture Studio
3301 Chartres Street, Bywater Neighborhood
In response to the massive devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, The University of Kentucky College of Design has initiated the KENTUCKY NEW ORLEANS STUDIO, a semester of “study-in-action” designed to give students the opportunity to participate in the rebuilding effort via a series of design/build projects. Led by faculty members Liz Swanson and Mike McKay, a native of New Orleans, the goal of the studio is to complete specific design and build projects that fulfill needs for communities in an effective and artful way. By working directly with affected communities and local experts, students will gain invaluable experience by seeing their work as designers in action and therefore, the power of architecture to improve people’s lives.
The program offers 15 credit hours including architectural design projects, volunteer service, and concentrated seminar topics including sustainable building methods, landscape, preservation and social factors in design. They are working closely with local organizations to complete specific programming, urban planning, and design/build projects. In addition, the studio will participate in the on-going conversation of how to rebuild the city.
They envision the New Orleans Studio as a permanent satellite studio resource with the capacity for expanded collaboration with other universities throughout the country. While the task and enormity of rebuilding is daunting, we are optimistic about the city’s future and believe that this situation, though tragic, also presents unique opportunities for progressive design, innovative thinking and exciting opportunities for new relationships among all those actively engaged and committed to the rebuilding of New Orleans.
Prof. Liz Swanson
Prof. Mike McKay
Additional Resources | KNOA Studio Blog
The blog is written and maintained by the KNOA students.