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If you are searching for an effective way to control water in the domestic water supply pipeline system buy a brass ball valve which is very efficient. They are highly effective is controlling the flow or to stop the flow completely. The body is made of forged brass metal which gives brass ball valve a very long life and does not fail easily even in severe temperature conditions. The design assures optimum flow with maximized system efficiency. Brass ball valve has a blow out proof stem. It is provided with a handle which can be used to turn off or regulate the flow of fluid, gas, slurry or any other material. It is relatively easy to use the handle to operate the system.
Brass ball valve comes in various sizes to suit every kind of need. They can be used for domestic plumbing, in industries or commercial purposes. Temperature variations do not affect the functioning of the valves. So it can be used for the pipe lines handling hot water supply. The evolution process of any product depends on its quality, longevity and performance. Brass ball valves come in many different sizes and with two methods of attaching with other pipes. One is the method of threading and the other is the sweat method which has to be welded or clamp or crimp style. The size of the valve is compatible with pipes of many different sizes. It is a full port design and both ends are equal and compatible with PEX pipes.
They are available in many different sizes ranging from 3/8" to 2" compatible with PEX pipes. Very large sized brass ball valves are also available for pipes which handle bulk movement of fluid or gas or for that matter oil. Where ever it is used the efficiency is unparallel.